This page details the methods and classes provided by the elegant module.

Top-Level classes

class elegant.core.Bus(bus_id, v=1.0, delta=0.0, pg=0.0, qg=0.0, pl=0.0, ql=0.0, xd=inf, iTPG=None, iSLG=None, iDLGb=None, iDLGc=None, iLL=None, gen_ground=False, load_ground=1)

Bases: object

property P
property Q
property Z
class elegant.core.Keys

Bases: object

add_keyobj(self, extremities, path, obj)
get_keyobj(self, extremities, path)
have_extremities(self, extremities)
class elegant.core.PowerSystem

Bases: object

property M
property N
property Y
property Y0
property Y1
add_line(self, line, path=None)
add_trafo(self, trafo, path=None)
property good_ids
property hsh
id2n(self, k)
property masked_buses
property masked_lines
property masked_trafos
remove_bus(self, n)
remove_elements_linked_to(self, bus)
remove_line(self, line, key=None)
remove_trafo(self, trafo, key=None)
update(self, Nmax=100)
update_flow(self, Nmax=100)
class elegant.core.Transformer(orig, dest, snom=100000000.0, jx0=0.5, jx1=0.5, primary=0, secondary=0, v1=0.0, v2=0.0)

Bases: object

property Ipu
property S1
property S2
property Sper
property Z0
property Z1
class elegant.core.TransmissionLine(orig, dest, ell=10000.0, r=0.01, d12=1, d23=1, d31=1, d=0.5, rho=1.78e-08, m=1, vbase=10000.0, imax=inf, v1=0.0, v2=0.0, z=None, y=None)

Bases: object

property Ia
property Ipu
property Rb
property Rm
property S1
property S2
property Sper
property Tpu
property Y
property Ypu
property Z
property Zc
property Zcpu
property Zpu
property gamma
property param

Numerical Methods

elegant.methods.gauss_seidel(Y, V0, S, eps=None, Niter=1, Nmax=1000)

Gauss-Seidel Method

Y: array, shape (N,N)

Ybus matrix

V0: array, shape (N,)

Complex initial guess

S: array, shape (N,2)

Specified apparent power

eps: float, optional


Niter: int, optional

Minimum number of iterations (default=1)

V: array, shape (N,)

Bus voltage approximations

elegant.methods.newton_raphson(Y, V0, S, eps=None, Niter=1, Nmax=1000)
Y: admittance matrix
V0: array with initial estimates (1, N)
S: array with specified powers in each bar (N, 2)
eps: defined tolerance, default = None
Niter: max number of iterations, default = 1
V0: updated array with estimates to the node tensions (1, N)
elegant.methods.short(Y1, Y0, V)

Calculates three-phase short circuit current levels for each bus

Y1: array, shape (N,N)

Positive-sequence bus admittance matrix

Y0: array, shape (N,N)

Zero-sequence bus admittance matrix

V: array, shape (N,)

Pre-fault voltage levels for each bus

I: array, shape (N, 4, 3)

Three-phase current levels for each of the N buses for each of the following fault types:

  • Three-phase to ground (TPG);

  • Single-line to ground (SLG);

  • Double-line to ground (DLG);

  • Line-to-line (LL)

Report files

elegant.report.create_report(system, curves, grid, filename)